• Achievements cycle enhance the quality gains and awards of excellence


    The sixteenth session of the East Chamber
    Achievements cycle enhance the quality gains and awards of excellence
    Continuous increase in the number of subscribers .. and a marked increase in Consulting
    Direct services to small enterprises and businesswomen

    During the four years (2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013) Chamber has achieved many accomplishments, perhaps most notably the significant annual increase in the number of participants, many local awards, and Arabic, as well as the significant increase in the number of research studies and consulting provided to participants, that they all converge when one goal is sophistication and high performance of the private sector and to overcome obstacles to participation in economic life. In these four years, the age of the sixteenth session of the Board room entered the Chamber a world quality, achieved many of their requirements, got a number of quality certificates, which were renewed year after year, the pace of events intended for direct participants, especially of small and medium enterprises and women entrepreneurs, as well as key sectors.  All this with the daily activity of the Chamber by the specialized commissions, performance, growth, and development of customer service and the high level of performance in sections as well as the main center, the Chamber continued organizing for business events.
    Here we offer a brief picture of the most important achievements over the past four years, wanted more information, you can review the annual reports of the four years, details and information and results than contained in this writing is. 2010 saw the 2010 increase subscribers to more than 42 thousand subscribers, compared to more than 40,000 in the year before 2009, and some 21 000 subscribers in 2005, the same year saw increasing number of branches with 16 branches and service centers, especially after the opening of the branch in Qatif, the second industrial city Service Center. Also saw that Chamber to shield electronic government, won the prize for the best work environment, four standards in quality, more than 150 meeting and visiting and hosting with officials of ministries and Government institutions and private sector enterprises, and more than 60 meeting and visit to the men and women in the region with trade delegations coming from various countries of the world
    During this year a 45 and study economic report worksheet and perform 36 training program benefited around 1397 trainees, preparation and drafting and review 145 contracts on the Chamber, this year the Chamber received of about 254 issue of protest was resolved 69 cases, while trade issues settled 16 cases with a total value of 8.6 million, out of 26 cases, and the arbitration case was settled one of the 8 cases, in support of a Chamber for small and medium-sized enterprises, the Total loans funded by (BRJ) and by the recommendations of the Centre for the development of small and medium enterprises with 45 million beneficiaries 458 beneficiaries, was given different advice, 880 in 2011 in 2011 under the Chamber's annual report, the General Assembly increased the data subscribers 8.6 year this year to more than 45.811 thousand subscribers compared with about 42.193 thousand subscribers in 2010 and by about a thousand common 32.182 2007.
    This year, the Chamber has many achievements Joomla services provided at the level of research and studies, prepared more than 50 study, research and reports, specialized working paper was prepared more than 10 articles on the most important economic issues.  In the consulting Chamber provided the 920 year-round consultation between management consulting and financial and marketing professional, the total number of beneficiaries of the legal beneficiaries, in 705 the legal side of the room were completed and 62 cases and legal conflict between the institutions and companies worth 150 million rials.

    Inthe same yearthe ChamberrepresentedEmployment42Centerorganized a meetinghiringin collaboration witha number offacilitiesreceptionduring whichabout1398studentswork..also equipped with442originlistsofjob seekersregistered withthe center,who meet theconditions requiredto fillvacant postsin thisplant..
    At the level ofservices provided towomen entrepreneursthroughbusinesswomencenterhas beenthroughthe year 2011to providemore than340information servicesinthe fields of economy,smalland medium-sizedprojects andfeasibility studies.
    This year,the Chambergot anumber of awardsand certificatesPerhaps the most prominent(Prince Nayef binAbdulazizAwardfor Saudization)for the second time,(the best workenvironment)Awardfor the fourth timein a row,and (shieldArabe-government)for the second time,in addition to achievingand renewal of4standardcertificatesinthe areas ofquality.
    In 2012
    The Chamberhas achievedduringthis year'smany achievements, notably theincrease in thenumber of subscribers, whichstood at(46 998)sharedin 2012compared to(45 811participants)in2011, (38 353participants)in 2008.ozlka growth rate(2.6%)compared to2011, (22.5%)compared to 2008
    This year,the Chamberallocated26.615 millionriyalsfor the implementation ofa number of projects, including22.5 millionriyalsfor the establishment ofthe headquartersbuildingextensionPresidentof the Chamberto accommodatethe expansion of theactivities and programs,as well as projectsfor the development oftechnical and administrativestructure ofthe Chamber.
    In the framework ofthe ChamberAwarenessandinformationalactivityhas preparedmore than(50)studyandresearchandpaperworkspecializedeconomicreport,hassuppliedits customerswith more than(2000)andprintedversions ofpublicationsdiverseroombooklet..
    It also provided(197)legal advicebyphone,(422)in the presence ofa personalconsultdirectlybenefited(619)people.. Whilethe Chamberlookedduring the yearto(31)the issue ofprotest,were settled(13)issueof them,and(22)business casewas settled(5cases),(11)arbitration casewasending(7)issuesthem.
    As fortrainingandrehabilitation servicesChamberhavehelpedtrain(789) traineesfrom the privatesector employees,and through theprogramscarried out bythe ChamberTraining Centerand benefited from(346)facilityby380training days, an increase of8%on the number ofplanneddays.
    ForEastChamberservicesCenterfor Employmenthascentersystemsover the last year(21) forthe recruitmentin collaborationwith a number offacilitiesreceptionduring which the(642)studentwork,have benefited from theservices of the Centreabout(1189)facility, ashas been providedto the(7963)opportunityfunctional..asrepresentatives ofthe centerparticipated in(18)an exhibitionof employment,
    And the Chambermadethrough thedevelopment ofsmall andmedium-sized enterprisesCenter(467)consultedthroughout the yearbetween the administrative, financial,marketingandtechnical consultancy..asmany lecturesand training coursesthat supportsmall and medium enterprisesin the Eastern Provincesectordevelopmentorganization,
    At the level ofthe EastChamberdestined forWomenBusiness Services, theChamber ofBusiness Women'sCenterpresentedduring 2012more than385information serviceinthe fields of economy,smalland medium-sizedprojects andfeasibility studieshas beenorganizing and hosting(5)workshops,which benefited(244)lady,also organized(30)the effectivenessof lecturesand seminarscoordinatedby the Centerbenefited(520)lady.He pointed outthat the deletionamongthe most prominenteventsgearedto women, whichhasover the past yearis the(activitiesof women's workweek)asthe ExecutiveBoard of theBusiness Womenorganizedeventsthis weekunder the title"New Horizons"during the period21 to 25 April2012. Theaim ofsupportingwomen's workthrougheducate themandmake them aware oftheir dutiesand rights  eventsincluded a number ofseminarsandspecialized workshopsanda number of visitsassociated with theevents.
    This yearhas set upa number offorums andmeetingsnotably(Forumfuture prospectsfor trainingKingdom)in January2012.(Second ForumforEnvironmentAlaml..tjarbdistinct)in April2012.(meetingindustrialistsAlraba..taqhrenewableand energy efficiency)inMay 2012..and (Forumfranchise)inMay 2012..(transportForumand challenges)inNovember 2012..(Forumprojectsand aspirations)inNovember 2012.
    It was alsothe organization ofmore than(40)meetinganda visit to thebusinessmen and businesswomenin the regionwiththe comingofthe variouscountries of the worldtrade delegations,and the involvement ofbusinessmen in the regionin theSaudi foreignjointbusinesscouncils
    The year sawthe saidcontractof cooperationbetweenthe Chamber anda number of localauthoritiespartnerships, witha meetingand visit thereciprocalhostingwithofficials in theministries and government institutionsandfacilitieseconomic sectorin the eastern regionto discusscommon issuesand to developways of cooperationso as to ensurethe interests ofthe business sectorandsubscribershave been organizedmore than(180)Chamberand facilitatetheir affairsat high speedand efficiency ofmicro channel.
    In terms ofthe development of administrativeandtechnical regulationsforthe internalwork environmenthasChamberto renew4certificatesof qualityfor(information security,andbusiness continuity.Theincreaseduse of technologyanddevelopmentprogramsin the roomwork,andthe development and updatingof information securitysystem) ..
    The Chamber ofmanyprograms designedto improve thesystemof human resourceshas beenmore than(a29)yearsandspecializedtrainingprogram for allstaffwith a totalroom(6050)hours of training.
    The Chamberhaswon awardsandcertificatesnotablyAwardbestinteractive platforminMay 2012.osamGoldenMerit of theArab Organizationfor Administrative DevelopmentinNovember 2012in addition tothe renewal ofcertificates ofqualitymentionedabove.
    In 2013
    The number ofsubscribers inthe EastChamberroseby the end offiscal year2013up to(54 286),a jointgrowth of15.5%at a ratecompared to2012,coincided with theexpansionchamberworksto serveits customersin thecities and provincesandcentersthe regionwhere the number ofcentersand branches(16)andbranchcenters,covering allareas ofthe eastern region.
    TheChamberinthis yearto preparemore than 50studyandresearchandeconomicreports,a working paperspecialized,andmore than 10articles onthe most importanteconomic issues,andmore than 5videosonvarious economictopics.
    In terms oflegalconsultingservicesroomConsultinghas providedfor600beneficiaries, of which(211)telephoneconsultation,and (389)to consulta personalpresence,asI stoodroomin front(24)issue ofprotestandwere settled(12)issueof them,andwas briefed on(23)business casewas settledand(9)issues suchasroomcompletedtwoout offivearbitrationcasesworth50million riyals.
    As forthe EastChamberofthe recruitmentcenterservices, theChamberrepresentedthe EastChamberofthe recruitmentcenterset up(31)to meetthe employment, in collaborationwith a number offacilities,the number ofjob seekersparticipating inthese meetingsabout(5354),job seekers,theCentre participatedin17Exhibition and Forumfor Employment,the number of beneficiaryenterprisesofEmploymentServicesCentrewas around(in 1566)the origin ofproperty,ithas beenprovidingsome(10085)job opportunities.
    And madethe Chamberduring the same year467consultingfor small and mediumenterprises,varied betweenfinancial, administrative andmarketing, technicalconsulting,manyof the programs, lectures andtraining coursesthat support

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